Endoparasitic infections and host-parasite interactions of cyprinid fish in Murat River: A focus on Rhabdochona denudata and Neoechinorhynchus zabensis

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R. denudata, N. zabensis, Cyprinid fish, Host-parasite interaction, Murat River, Freshwater parasitology


This study investigated the endoparasitic fauna of four cyprinid fish species (Cyprinion macrostomum, Capoeta umbla, Chondrostoma regium, and Squalius cephalus) inhabiting the Murat River, with a focus on the ecological distribution and variation of two identified parasites: Rhabdochona denudata (Nematoda) and Neoechinorhynchus zabensis (Acanthocephala). R. denudata was found in both C. macrostomum and C. umbla, while N. zabensis was exclusively detected in C. umbla. No endoparasitic infections were observed in C. regium or S. cephalus. Morphological examination confirmed taxonomic characteristics of both parasites, including prostomal teeth and sexual dimorphism in R. denudata, and proboscis structures and unique lemniscus nuclei in N. zabensis. Prevalence and infestation density of R. denudata were higher in C. umbla than in C. macrostomum. Seasonal variations in infestation levels were observed, with the highest prevalence of R. denudata recorded in autumn and N. zabensis in spring and summer; however, these differences were not statistically significant. A significant positive correlation was found between host size and R. denudata infestation levels, with larger hosts exhibiting higher infestation rates. These findings provide insights into host-parasite interactions and contribute to the understanding of parasitic diversity and ecology in freshwater ecosystems.


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How to Cite

Korkut, N., & Koyun, M. (2025). Endoparasitic infections and host-parasite interactions of cyprinid fish in Murat River: A focus on Rhabdochona denudata and Neoechinorhynchus zabensis. Hydrobiological Research, 3(1), 15–23. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14728244



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