Can the irisin levels in blood circulation on association with feeding habits in Mastacembelus mastacembelus and Cyprinion macrostomus

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Irisin, Feeding habits, Elisa, M. mastacembelus, C. macrostomus


Irisin is a peptide that is effective in regulating dietary habits, food intake, body weight, and glucose balance. There is limited research on the irisin hormone in freshwater fish. This research aimed to investigate the serum irisin levels in an omnivorous fish of C. macrostomus (Cyprinion macrostomus) and a carnivorous fish of M. mastacembelus (Mastacembelus mastacembelus). Hormone levels were measured using the ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) method. The serum level of irisin hormone was analyzed using the ELISA kit (Phoenix Pharmaceuticals Inc., Burlingame, CA, USA). The results were compared between the two species and between the sexes of each species. Additionally, the levels of iris were compared with the body weight and length of both M. mastacambelus and C. macrostomus. The adult C. macrostomus (n=22) showed lower irisin levels than the adult M. mastacembelus (n=22) in both of male and female fish. Serum irisin level was higher in M. mastacembelus (1127 ± 71.6 ng/mL), which was fed predominantly carnivores and had large muscle mass, than C. macrostomus (513 ± 27.1 ng/mL), which was fed omnivores and had low muscle mass. We conclusion that irisin levels may vary depending on the feeding habits and weight of the fish.


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How to Cite

Caf, F., Algül, S., & Koyun, M. (2025). Can the irisin levels in blood circulation on association with feeding habits in Mastacembelus mastacembelus and Cyprinion macrostomus. Hydrobiological Research, 3(1), 9–14.



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