Determination of the effect of marjoram and rhinoceros on UV damage in bacteria using microbiological and molecular techniques

Marjoram and rhinoceros on UV damage in bacteria

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  • Şükrü ÖNALAN Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Fisheries Faculty, 65080-Van, Türkiye
  • Ekin Özköseoğlu Van Türk Telekom Science High School, 65100-Van, Türkiye
  • İsmail IŞIK Van Türk Telekom Science High School, 65100-Van, Türkiye



Bacteria, E. coli, UV, Real-Time PCR, marjoram, rhinoceros


Nowadays, UV lights are a substance that has gained a place in many areas even if it is used in different conditions and jobs. At the same time, in today's technology, many technological products have been preferred with the use of UV at different intensities in terms of sterilization and cleaning. Chief among these are environmental sterilizers, and in laboratory areas, they are used for purposes such as environmental sterilizers, DNA imaging, sterile cabinets and PCR cabinets. In addition, its damages are also high. It can cause skin and skin cancers, as well as causing blindness in contact with the eyes. With this project, plant extracts, which are known to have many effects, were examined in this aspect in order to prevent possible damage from UV light. For this purpose, E. coli bacteria was chosen. Marjoram and rhinoceros extracts were obtained to positively affect UV application. Extracts were added to grown bacteria in broth and exposed to UV for 1 and 6 hours and compared with UV-damaged bacteria without added extract. The results were investigated by Real-Time PCR analysis of DNA and universal bacterial primers and re-isolation of bacteria in the medium. The results of the study showed that the morphological character of the bacteria used was same of E. coli’s morphological character. E. coli bacteria were grown in LB medium and were observed to grow in both solid and liquid media. The marjoram and rhinoceros extracts used in the study were obtained by the methanol method. Bacteria cultivated in liquid medium in 2.0 ml centrifuge tubes were divided into different groups and exposed to UV for 1 and 6 hours. No bacterial growth was observed in any group after 6 hours of UV. However, positive binding was observed in PCR. While there was no improvement in the medium in the 1-hour UV groups, the highest copy number was observed in the marjoram group compared to the control group in the PCR image. In light of these results, it was observed that the amount of amplifiable bacterial DNA in marjoram extract was higher than the control group. As a result, it was observed that marjoram extract absorbed UV at a higher rate than rhino herb. It has been shown that it can be fully effective if the UV exposure time is reduced.


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How to Cite

ÖNALAN, Şükrü, Özköseoğlu, E., & IŞIK, İsmail. (2024). Determination of the effect of marjoram and rhinoceros on UV damage in bacteria using microbiological and molecular techniques: Marjoram and rhinoceros on UV damage in bacteria . Hydrobiological Research, 2(1), 1–6.



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