Comparative molecular characterization of Diplozoon species from fishes

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Diplozoon, Fish parasites, PCR, Phylogenetics, Sequencing


In this article, it was aimed to isolate Diplozoon species from naturally infected carp fish from Elâzığ region and to determine their morphological and microscopic characteristics and molecular identification. As a result of the study, it was observed that parasite isolation was realized in all samples of carp fish sampled. It was observed that the isolated parasites were 33-55/27.3-51.3-51.2/24-45 mm in size. DNA isolation and PCR analysis were performed by selecting the most morphologically and different sized samples. In the preliminary identification analysis by Real-Time PCR, both primer sets and DNA interaction were checked. Then, blast results obtained from the sequence data obtained as a result of PCR analysis performed in the thermal cycler device, it was observed that they showed 98% similarity with Diplozoon paradoxum and the closest similarity with Paradiplozoon homoion and Paradiplozoon skrjabini with a maximum similarity of 96%. Phylogenetic analysis of Diplozoon species using sequence data and Neighbor Joining (NJ) methods showed that they occur in 2 different branches. In line with these results, it was observed that 3 different groups were formed in the parasites with the lowest morphological and microscopic similarity. It is thought that genetic differences are the main reasons why Diplozoon parasite species cause different levels of infestation, virulence and mortality in fish.

Diplozoon species in fish are a common cause of infestation worldwide and diplozoon species are also common in the study area. Intraspecific differences in diplozoon species and changes in the host-parasite relationship lead to differences in virulence and pathogenicity, and as a result, cause diseases and economic losses. Knowing the species differences of parasites regionally has an important place in fish diseases for taking prophylactic measures and treatment processes.


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How to Cite

İtik Ekinci, A., & Önalan, Şükrü. (2024). Comparative molecular characterization of Diplozoon species from fishes. Hydrobiological Research, 2(2), 35–41.



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